
[Karen Nakamura - kanji] Karen Nakamura

1993 B.A., Cornell University. College Scholar Program and Psychology.
1998 M.Phil., Yale University. Socio-Cultural Anthropology.
2001 Ph.D., Yale University. Socio-Cultural Anthropology.
karen nakamura

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Yale University
51 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven CT 06520-8277

Abe Fellow
Center for Global Partnership and
Social Science Research Foundation

Introduction: I'm an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Yale University. My doctoral research in sociocultural anthropology has been on sign language, identity, civil society, and minority social movements in modern Japan. At Yale, I teach courses on queer ethnography, disability and culture, Japan Studies, and visual and applied anthropology.

My Yale home page is here. Please do not e-mail my academic account with questions related to this site as I reserve it for academic use only. If you wish to e-mail me, please send e-mail to me here: nakamura (at) deaflibrary (dot) org

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I run Photoethnography.com as a not-for-profit service for the broader community:

Gallery: All photographs are copyright © by Karen Nakamura. All rights reserved. If you would like to reprint a photograph, please contact me for permission beforehand.

Reviews: I do not receive any kickbacks from manufacturers for the reviews that are posted here. You are guaranteed that I will always say exactly what I think about a product -- both positive and negative. I do occasionally post links to where you can buy products using affiliate links, this money help funds this website but feel free to not use those affiliate vendors if you don't like them.

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Karen Nakamura - Dept. of Anthropology - Yale University - 10 Sachem Street - New Haven CT 06520-8277 USA
Last modified: Monday, 18-Jun-2012 01:27:14 EDT, [an error occurred while processing this directive].

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1 Comment


first of all let me express my admiration for your work.

I started some time ago a camera collection of my own and reading your articles inspired and guided me.

I am a 67 year old portuguese photographer that started shooting pictures 50 years ago, mainly fascinated by the immense variety of cultures and behaviors in the world. Perhaps I am an espontaneous kind of ethnographic mind.

I started the building of a blog about my collection (around 50 cameras now) and I would be grateful if you allow me to display some of your material, always mentioning the author of course.

MY BOOKS: http://br.blurb.com/search/site_search?search=fernando+redondo&filter=bookstore&commit=Pesquisar

MY BLOG: http://cameramine.blogspot.pt/2012/04/yashica-124-g.html

Best Regards

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